06 November, 2007


I very nearly started this post with an apology for my delinquency in updating my blog. But then I paused a moment and thought to myself, "Self, this is your blog. It's a representation of YOU. You are a procrastinator. You are kinda forgetful. You do very few things with any consistency or promptness." So there you have it. I'll show up here when...well, when I show up I guess.

So, I was tagged a while back by my cousin Ericka, and I believe I was supposed to do an acrostic with my middle name and then tag some other people. As it turns out, I don't know anyone who hasn't already been tagged, so I'm going to need to skip that step. Here goes with the acrostic...

E- Elegant (but only at first glance-if that). A funny friend of mine one said, "Grace, when I first saw you I thought you were so graceful..." She stopped there and everyone in the room burst into laughter because they apparently knew just what she meant by that :)

L- I wish this was not true, but I'm late to almost everything. Not REALLY late, but 5-10 minutes. I've always been this way. The root of this embaressing problem (at least in the morning) is that I don't respond well to alarms. I should buy one of those alarm clocks that jumps off of your side table and makes you chase it around the room. Maybe that might cure me.

A- I am almost 100% right-brained, a.k.a. an artistic thinker. This can be a good thing if I'm writing a worship service, orchestrating music for the worship team, or writing lyrics for a song, but it also means that I can become so entrenched in a project that I block the whole world out and stop noticing the passing of time. This trait also makes some ordinary tasks feel like chores. It can take me a while to muster up the energy to make phone calls, check the mail, or work my way through a to-do list, and after completing these tasks I feel strangely drained.

Y- I often find myself yawning throughout the day because I stayed up too late the night before. For some reason I am much more productive at night than I am during daylight hours, and when I'm feeling productive, I run with it--and pay for it the next day.

N- I'm a Nebraskan...or am I a Texan? I'm a Nebrexan living in California.

E- If it's possible to be an introverted extrovert, then I am one. Obviously I'm not a shy person (though I was very shy as a little girl), but I thrive on quiet, alone time. At the same time I have strong need to bounce my thoughts off of other people.


Sabrina said...

Grace Elayne - thank you for the update and insight. I can hardly wait to see you in less than 2 weeks!

Katie said...

The "late gene" must run in the family because I can never make it anywhere on time either!

Erika said...

Thanks for complying with yout tag, Grace! I enjoyed it! : )