10 November, 2007

Never A Dull Moment (that might be a lie)

today i had an unexpected lunch/shopping date with a fun friend. after perusing a few stores in our quaint Lodi "downtown", we decided to drive to a nearby gift shop that is having a going out of business sale. after walking around the store for a while, looking at a lot of still-out-of-my-price-range gift items, i had a sudden urge to purge (aka, needed to pee...bad). there was no public bathroom in sight, so my sweet friend leaned over the checkout counter to ask one of the busy clerks where they hide their facilities. here we get to the reason for this post. the lady bends down and grabs this (below) from under the counter, and motions me to follow her.

We then walk over to a door that says "employees only" that leads down a VERY long, suspicious looking hallway, the bathroom being on the far end. There is a strong aroma of chinese food being prepared that fills the air, and the sound of mallets hitting cutting boards-i think. (apparently this places shares a wall with a chinese deli). Before the lady turns to walk away she says, "when you are done, come back to this door and press this button nice and hard. someone will be here shortly TO LET YOU OUT"!!! are you kidding me! ahhhhh! If I wasn't going to soon wet myself, i might have thought twice about this scene.

09 November, 2007


new song?
channel colbie caillat as you read :)

cue soft, sporatic guitar picking...

bring me in from the rain
bring me in from the rain
like a hot cup of tea
i'll sip on some reason
as you dry up my pride
and wring out emotion
'til i've thawed long enough
to regain feeling
and i'm ready to let the sky
stop doing my bleeding

07 November, 2007

All Things New

I got a new Bible. Perhaps this isn’t necessary information for you to know, but...I got a new Bible. It’s a new translation for me, which is somewhat exciting and as an added bonus, it has a gorgeous fabric and leather cover and bright blue font. Everything about this Bible feels bright and fresh, even the content somehow seems brand new. Perhaps this is why I find myself feeling so hungry to read it. Or, maybe its simply that I’m finally paying attention to the soft gentle voice of God calling out to me, inviting me into His presence, through His Word.

Whatever it is about this new Bible of mine, I’m having a hard time putting it down. If you’re still reading this, you’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all this. I’m not so sure I know the answer to that question myself….ha! I think I just want to give you some encouragement that God meant what He said in the book of James, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” I quote this verse to my youth group often, but in this moment, I know better than I have ever known, that this statement is true.

I can't get one of the "new" stories in my "new" Bible off my mind. It’s about Hagar, a servant of Sarah (Abraham's wife). This girl was manipulated and mistreated until she couldn’t take it anymore. Instead of facing up to her problems she ran away. I'm sure this story is not a newsflash to any of you, but stay tuned because the excited "new" segment is coming up...

So, Hagar is out wandering around (hiding, really) when God finds her. He sees her state of distress and hears her cries for help. In reply to His kindness, Hagar says,

“You are the God who sees me.”

I love that! God is the One who sees us. Have you ever been in a room full of people but still somehow felt all alone? Have you ever felt invisible (like Mr. Cellephane)? I know I’ve felt that way, but what a comfort to know that God sees us, and not only so, but He looks at us with love. I can't lie. It feels pretty good to be seen.

06 November, 2007

Creative Creator

I went on the most BEAUTIFUL hike with my friend Susie last week. Unbelievable, surreal, extravagant, thought-provoking, awe-inspiring--these are all words that I could use to try to describe what I saw and experienced. Posting pictures just won't do the scenery justice, but its a start.

I was absolutely captivated as I walked from bubbling brooks, into the woods, past a marshy field, and onto the ocean shore. God is so creative. Seeing His work ignited my own excitement to create. Thinking of God as creative CREATOR was so freeing to me. I found myself enjoying God, which is something I have not often enough done, and it really did feel like freedom. Freedom to approach God in a new way, to pray to him through my own creating, to explore Him without the pressure of knowing everything.

It was a good day.

turkeys outside Susie's apartment

ferdenand, the caterpillar


I very nearly started this post with an apology for my delinquency in updating my blog. But then I paused a moment and thought to myself, "Self, this is your blog. It's a representation of YOU. You are a procrastinator. You are kinda forgetful. You do very few things with any consistency or promptness." So there you have it. I'll show up here when...well, when I show up I guess.

So, I was tagged a while back by my cousin Ericka, and I believe I was supposed to do an acrostic with my middle name and then tag some other people. As it turns out, I don't know anyone who hasn't already been tagged, so I'm going to need to skip that step. Here goes with the acrostic...

E- Elegant (but only at first glance-if that). A funny friend of mine one said, "Grace, when I first saw you I thought you were so graceful..." She stopped there and everyone in the room burst into laughter because they apparently knew just what she meant by that :)

L- I wish this was not true, but I'm late to almost everything. Not REALLY late, but 5-10 minutes. I've always been this way. The root of this embaressing problem (at least in the morning) is that I don't respond well to alarms. I should buy one of those alarm clocks that jumps off of your side table and makes you chase it around the room. Maybe that might cure me.

A- I am almost 100% right-brained, a.k.a. an artistic thinker. This can be a good thing if I'm writing a worship service, orchestrating music for the worship team, or writing lyrics for a song, but it also means that I can become so entrenched in a project that I block the whole world out and stop noticing the passing of time. This trait also makes some ordinary tasks feel like chores. It can take me a while to muster up the energy to make phone calls, check the mail, or work my way through a to-do list, and after completing these tasks I feel strangely drained.

Y- I often find myself yawning throughout the day because I stayed up too late the night before. For some reason I am much more productive at night than I am during daylight hours, and when I'm feeling productive, I run with it--and pay for it the next day.

N- I'm a Nebraskan...or am I a Texan? I'm a Nebrexan living in California.

E- If it's possible to be an introverted extrovert, then I am one. Obviously I'm not a shy person (though I was very shy as a little girl), but I thrive on quiet, alone time. At the same time I have strong need to bounce my thoughts off of other people.