16 January, 2008


I hate to write this update in a hurry, but....perhaps something is better than nothing? As you may have already heard in the headlines, prayers are desperately needed for the nation of Kenya. After a [supposedly] rigged presidential election a few weeks ago, political and social unrest remain. Will you please pray:

  1. for rioting and protesting to cease
  2. for peaceful communication between political parties
  3. for relief for people left hungry, homeless, unemployed
  4. for my missionary team- that we would receive divine wisdom concerning our travel, scheduled Feb. 14-28- that God would intervene if it is unsafe for us to go
  5. for Dan and Patty, our hosts, living in Kenya, that they would remain safe, and that we would know best how to help them
Infinite thanks to all of you who have prayed and given support! I have been abundantly blessed by your generosity.


Sabrina said...

Thanks, Sweetie -I'll be praying and I'll pass on the requests to others who will also pray.

Katie said...

Me too! I have a group of prayer warriors who are praying! Thanks so much for the update. Love you!

Mama Ann said...

We have been praying and will continue to do so. The situation really looks very unstable there. Yesterday on the news they mentioned Kisumu as being one of the places where there is a lot of rioting.

Grandpa and Grandma